

Research Advisors was organized in 2017. Since then our client base has grown to extend across the United States and territories, including

Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Texas

What Our Clients Say

  • [We] wanted to thank you once again for all of your guidance, comments, recommendations, nudging, etc., to get this proposal prepared and submitted. I know it sometimes seemed like we would never finish, but you did not give up on us and provided support to the end.

  • One of the most useful things we’ve done is to formalize the CI Plan – it’s something we’ve needed to do for a while but other things just kept taking priority. This process forced us to get it done.

  • [This process] opened up more of a strategic dialog with our STEM researchers, which has been very good as well. I hope to keep the dialog going regardless of the funding decision. There is much we can still do given the resources at hand.

  • I just thought you might want to know that we received official notification from NSF that we were awarded a $400,000 grant to improve our cyber infrastructure on campus.

  • Thank you for all your help, guidance, and support!

  • Nice work and thank you. This has shaped into a strong proposal. Research across all campuses will be accelerated.

  • Each one of you was a pleasure to work with. Thank you!!

  • I know we would not have been successful without your guidance and I wanted to say thank you once again!

  • Thank you for all of your work, especially over the weekend. We could not have completed the application without your assistance. You streamlined everything for us, and we found that very helpful. We will let you know when we hear the results.

  • Heartiest appreciation for getting us to the finish line.

  • Excellent idea ... And BTW you guys were great!

What reviewers say

Intellectual Merit:


  • The proposed research and education use cases are exciting and the panel appreciated their breadth.

  • The panel found the [proprietary information] somewhat novel and to be a promising approach for supporting small institutions.

  • The team is well qualified to undertake the proposed project. There are strong connections between [proposing] team, information technology personnel at each institution, and faculty at each institution.

  • The proposal includes a very good work plan that lays out key steps and milestones for the ... project.

  • The proposal addresses longer-term sustainability. In particular, there are letters from the presidents of each of the ... small colleges that commit to continued funding for connectivity after project funding ends.

Broader Impacts:


  • The project has the potential to have very positive impact on faculty and students at the diverse set of ... small colleges participating in the project.

  • The panel believes that outcomes from this deployment of a [proprietary information] has the potential to be beneficial to the broader community.

  • There is a clear plan to transfer knowledge to the technical staff at each of the ... institutions.

  • The project, including the [proprietary information], can serve as a model for expansion to additional institutions. In particular, [proposing organization] can use this project to improve how it serves other small colleges.

WEAKNESS: None noted.

RESPONSIVENESS [to solicitation requirements]: This proposal aligns very well...

PANEL RANKING: Highly Competitive